
Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today: A Message to the Church

It’s no surprise that our world is broken, it has been for a very long time. Injustice, racism, hatred, and violence, are nothing new. Humanity has done a great job of hurting itself for centuries. But in these more recent days, the blatant hatred and discord has made this reality even more obvious. I have witnessed more and more people coming forward to speak out against the wrongs, to share their experiences. And while each testimony of experienced racism, hatred, and violence sickens and pains me, I am thankful for those who are willing to raise their voices against the wrong. Oh how this world needs an antidote to itself!

The good news is that we have one, and it is more than time for the Church to rise up and share it! It is time for us to be more vocal than we have been in recent generations, to speak truth, not softly in our pulpits and homes, but loudly in the streets. Because the truth is, there will be other loud voices, speaking hatred and discord, speaking evil to our world. But we must ring out louder, with actions and words of truth and love.

Church, now is not the time to be silent. Now is not the time to let others do the work for us. Now is not the time to appeal to the masses, to bow to popular culture and the whims of the world. Now is the time for Christ to be proclaimed in word and in deed to the watching world that is so desperate for the undiluted Gospel. These are the days that we have been preparing for every time we sat through a sermon, memorized a verse, or practiced our Gospel methods. The time is now.

I implore you, if you claim to follow Jesus, if you call yourself a Christian, do not remain silent. When you see injustice, fight it. When you witness hate, confront it with Him who calls Himself Love. When you hear lies, speak the Truth with boldness. Dust off your Bible and read it with earnest. Get on your knees and pray for your communities, this country, and the world. There is only one Antidote for this world, and you know Him by name.

Church, do not turn on yourself, do not tear yourself down. Do not look to condemn those among you who are “too liberal” or “too conservative,” who voted “wrong.” The Church is the bride of Christ and He loves it dearly. Do not think you can spread hatred of the Church and not anger God. In all times and all ways, the Church must pursue unity. It is a body, one that cannot function without all parts working together in harmony. We must fight for unity.

Church, you are the hands and feet of Jesus. You do not exist to sit comfortably in your pew with your coffee and a side of condescension. You do not exist to stay in a bubble with those whose views align with yours. And above all, you do not exist to live a safe and prosperous life. In this world, you will have trials. But you are called to face the trials, to make disciples, to stand apart, and to do the will of the Father. I cannot wait to see what God does through willing and available hearts.

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Dressember 2016: Week 4 Recap

Happy New Year 2017, friends!

I love this time of year, a fresh start, full of potential and new beginnings. I feel like I come alive with the excitement of all that a new year represents. Anything can happen when the slate is wiped clean, just waiting to be written on.

Oh my hopes for this new year.

First though, I want to recap the ending of Dressember 2016. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who donated, who shared my posts on social media, who liked my photos, who wore dresses with me, who encouraged me and supported this journey. And thank you to those who plan to still give as we move into the new year. (Dressember and my fundraising page will be open to receive donations through then end of January.)

As of writing this post, we have raised over $1,300 and growing (I still have to make my final contribution)! This is the most I have raised at the end of a Dressember campaign to date. It's so awesome to watch my fundraising total slowly grow. Combined I have had the opportunity to raise over $3,500 for Dressember. All because of you!

I cannot say enough how grateful I am for the outpouring of financial support. And while the money is going to something bigger--to fight human trafficking and uphold the dignity of others--I feel personally uplifted in my efforts each time a donation is made. So thank you, from me and from those who will be aided by your donations.

Day 22

Fundraising Stats
Total raised before day 22: $813
Grand total: $813

Day 23

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $813

Day 23 was also "Ugly Christmas Sweater" day at work! :)

Day 24

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $813

Day 25

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $813

Day 26

Fundraising Stats
Amount donated on day 26: $21
Grand total: $834

Day 27

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $834

Day 28

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $834

Day 29

Fundraising Stats
Amount donated on day 29: $294
Grand total: $1,128

Day 30

Fundraising Stats
Grand total: $1,128

Day 31

Fundraising Stats
Amount donated on day 31: $185
Grand total at the end of Dressember: $1,313

Donate now!  |  Visit my Dressember Page