
Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Life Purposeful

Why is it that I always, always have to try to take matters into my own hands? I want to do something, and rather than stop and think about whether I should do it, I do it anyway? Then, all I really succeed in doing is complicating life when it really should be more simple.

I feel like most times I'm counter-productive to myself. Rather than just letting things be, I have to get in, make a mess, and then wait for God to dig me out and clean me up. It's always the same vicious cycle, messing up, cleaning up, messing up...

I suppose the point isn't necessarily to get things right all of the time, it's to learn from the mistakes and move on. Learning from the mistakes is the hard part. Lots of times it's just easier to live in them, rather than rise above them.

I feel like now is really the time for me to get my act together, as life is changing so rapidly. It's time to rise above the foolish and silly things I let myself become involved in. I have to find what it is I'm really meant to do, beyond the mundane, and do it. Truthfully, this may be a challenge, but it will be well worth it in the end.

This week, being back home, I feel like it's time for me to explore my options and find out where God wants me to be. I'm praying that he'll make it clear, and as always, that he'll give me peace.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to feel at home. Learning to let go of the reins is a never-ending process...
