
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I [Insert Verb] My Life

I filled this out on my birthday in 2005... and tonight. I thought it was kind of fun to compare my answers now, and then.

I am not: as socially inept as I used to be / ready to have a family
I hurt: when I dwell on the past too long / when I am alone and unwanted
I love: living close to my family again / my friends
I hate: when people make me feel stupid / when people discriminate
I hope: that my life will count for something / to grow up to be the woman God wants me to be
I hear: a lot of negativity / the cries of the hurting
I crave: this one hasn't changed > someone to spend the rest of my life with
I regret: letting myself be led astray / time wasted in high school
I cry: during almost every movie / when I feel lonely
I always: leave for work later than I mean to / dream
I long to: know God more deeply / love God supremely
I feel alone: some nights when I come back to an empty apartment / rarely, yet often
I listen: to anyone who needs to talk / to those who want an ear or two
I hide: very little / how I feel behind fake smiles and pat answers
I drive: the car my parents bought when I was 11 / rarely
I sing: in the car, loudly / when my heart is happy
I dance: with Brazilians, and Jessica / when someone is playing a rap song
I write: for a living / all the time about everything
I breathe: possibly the most polluted air of my life / borrowed air
I play: very, very competitively / basketball with a passion
I miss: my closest friends... and Denver / living in Texas
I search: for direction / for God's will
I feel: hopeful, yet impatient / tired and busy
I know: I'm extremely blessed / how to do stupid things, yet have fun
I say: sometimes too much, other times, too little / idiotic statements too many times
I succeed: when I give up control / when God is guiding me
I fail: when I try to control my life / when I try on my own and don't get enough sleep
I sleep: about 7 hours a night / too few hours
I want: more of Jesus in my life / to love and to be loved
I have: a whole heck of a lot, yet I still want more... / all I need, though I'm not always convinced
I give: as much as I can / my time, but never enough of it
I fight: only when I have to / over stupid things
I wait: a LOT / for everything good
I need: this one hasn't changed either > to spend more time with Jesus
I am: successful thanks to God's grace / beautiful, even without makeup
I think: I need You the most / too much
I can't help the fact that: I like to laugh at everything / I'm single
I stay: where God puts me, for once / on this path that God is leading me down

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