
Monday, December 26, 2011

Thirty-One Days of Photos: Day 26

Today we did some post-Christmas shopping, and found some pretty good deals too! We had lunch at California Pizza Kitchen, where this photo was taken.

I would say this has been one of the nicest Christmas seasons I've had in a long time. There is definitely a hole without Grandpa here, but I think we're all a lot closer now because of it. We've banded together and we're keeping on, and enjoying each other all the more. That's the thing about losing someone, it makes you appreciate the people that you do have all the more.

I'm looking forward to spending the rest of this week with additional family members who I didn't get to see on Christmas, and getting lots of rest and relaxation. For some reason when I come here, I sleep a ton. It's like I'm in a permanent food coma, which wouldn't be surprising considering how much we eat around here.

Also, my phone has been acting weird today and not getting messages, so if anyone's been trying to text/call me and I haven't responded, that's why. It seems to be working now though, thank goodness. I hate feeling disconnected.

Anyway, hope you all are having a great post-Christmas Day! :)

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