
Friday, December 30, 2011

Thirty-One Days of Photos: Day 30

Is it really day 30 already? This month has seriously flown by. I'm almost sad that it's over, but I'm definitely looking forward to the New Year.

Anyway, here is today's photo of my cousin's daughter and my grandma.

Today was another day full of family and lots of good food. We got to see some of my dad's side of the family too, which was great. This was definitely one of the best days we've had during this trip.

A few more days with the family, and then it's back to the real world. I'm actually looking forward to getting back to work, eating a normal amount again, and seeing my friends. Until then, I'm slipping into another food coma, and I'll see you all tomorrow when I post the day 31 photo!

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