
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

31 Days Captured: Day 1

I found this sitting on the windowsill outside my kitchen window on my covered porch. I thought it was kind of interesting since birds don't get in there often (although a bat was living there for a while).

I got to thinking about what the "story" was behind the feather. Was it dropped accidentally by a passing bird? Was it a gift carefully placed for the recipient? Was it lost, then found and set aside? I like to think it wasn't random. Some how, the feather got there on purpose.

I loved all the little details, from the grey shades of the feather, to the blue of the window sash, to the chipped paint of the sill. It was perfectly placed, and had to be captured before it could be blown away by a passing breeze.

And this picture is proof that you can get decent photos from a cell phone when you're hurrying back to work after your lunch break. :)

Photograph captured with Samsung Galaxy S, no edits or crops (sooc).

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