
Friday, August 17, 2012

31 Days Captured: Day 17

Tonight the sunset was gorgeous. After dinner I still hadn't taken my photo of the day, so as we walked outside I snapped a few photos. And because I liked more than one, I broke the non-existent rules of the photo-a-day challenge, and uploaded two. (Gasp!)

First, I took this picture of the boats tied up at the marina. This dock is right in front of the Candlelight, the restaurant where we had dinner.

Second, I took the picture below of the crazy beautiful sunset over the court house. I was trying to get the least number of light and telephone poles, so this is the best I could do from the riverfront. And yes, I did a little editing, only because my camera phone didn't do it justice.

Whoever said Clinton was ugly never looked up.

Photographs captured with Samsung Galaxy S, edits to each via PicMonkey.