
Monday, August 27, 2012

31 Days Captured: Day 26

Sunday. Our last day in Chicago. It was rainy and a little gloomy, but still wonderful and full of memories.

I think the John Hancock is my favorite Chicago tower. It was the first single building I photographed when I first came to the city to visit Moody. When I first got to go up to the Signature Lounge (with Nick), it was like ascending to a magical place above the world. It's always felt like that for me. Looking down on the city at night, lights glimmering like little flames, it feels like hope, potential, possibility. Anything can happen, anything is possible, you feel like you can conquer the world.

And for a few moments, from high up in a tower, you do conquer the world. Then, after a few seconds in a crowded elevator, you come back to earth. You walk the streets, gaze up at buildings so tall and mighty, and feel quite small.

But somewhere inside, you remember that ascension, and you know that you can conquer the world.

Photograph captured with Samsung Galaxy S, edits via PicMonkey.
Find more of my daily photos on Tumblr.

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