
Tuesday, August 7, 2012

31 Days Captured: Day 7

We finally made it home to Clinton! And someone was very glad to have us back.

Poor Jade baby missed having people around (not that I'm around that much anyway), and made that known by purring like a maniac, and tearing around the apartment like it was on fire.

I was mostly just glad to be out of the car, even though the trip went really well. I realized there are a lot of "Clinton" towns out there, from Clinton, New Jersey to Clintonville, Pennsylvania to Clinton, Ohio and even a Clinton, Illinois. But now we're back in Clinton, Iowa. I also enjoyed seeing some historic sites along the way, including some Revolutionary War era stone walls near the Delaware River. I would love to head back out to the East Coast at some point to see more from that time period, since it has always interested me, probably since reading Johnny Tremain in seventh grade.

I also realized I probably wouldn't do well on long road trips. Somehow I managed to tolerate them without going too crazy as a kid, but I think I've lost that tolerance a little bit over time. Or maybe it has something to do with being spoiled by the speed of airline travel.

Anyway, after seven states in five days... I'm crashing in my own bed tonight. :)

Photograph captured with Samsung Galaxy S, edits via PicMonkey.

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