
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Halloween: 15 Ways to Use Leftover Candy

I love Halloween, first for the costumes, second for the treats! But, lots of leftover candy lying around can lead to guilty sugar spirals compounded by Thanksgiving and Christmas baking. So, why not combine the two and enjoy some treats while pawning them off on unsuspecting victims?! Uh, I mean friends and family! ;)

I created this list, a work assignment, after scouring Pinterest for some of the best, most unique recipes calling for candy. I included 15 recipes in the list, dividing them up by candy type. Included in this list is a party favorite, the Kit Kat Cake, which is the only recipe out of this list that I've tried, yet.

With this list, I love the idea that you can do something with loads of Halloween candy other than tossing it or eating it as-is for months and months. Plus, the unique factor will attract people when you share these treats with friends.

Do you know a delish recipe that calls for candy? Share it in the comments and spread the yumminess! :)

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