
Monday, March 31, 2014

A New Home for ELM Creative

If you're a regular on this blog, you may have noticed this thing called ELM Creative. ELM Creative is a home for all of my freelance offerings, a collection point where I can showcase my work--what I've done and what I offer.
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ELM Creative evolved out of two prior projects I had, my photography "freelance business" (Elise Loyola Photography, which started in 2008) and The Fix, a one-stop shop for writing and editing offerings that I and a friend created back in 2010. Unfortunately, The Fix never really took off, but I always liked the idea of offering creative services to businesses/organizations that just needed a professional edge to their written content.

In the summer of 2013, I decided that Elise Loyola Photography needed to expand because the truth was, I loved more than just photography. I wanted to increase my freelance offerings and showcase my work in other areas like writing, blogging, social media management, and marketing/public relations. This change was really only manifested on Facebook as I changed the Elise Loyola Photography page to ELM Creative--a reflection of the change in my name as I got married and the expansion of my offerings.

Since then, ELM Creative has been slowly gaining speed as my life and work-life have been changing. The biggest difference is now that I'm working a part time job, I have more time to dedicate to freelance work. It's so important to be to be able to have the time I need to make my offerings the best that they can be.

ELM Creative is driven by my professional experience in journalism--writing, editing, photography--and social media management/PR--managing the digital presence of newspapers and also the marketing for a healthcare office. It's also driven by my personal work--writing for school assignments and personal reasons, teaching writing classes, practicing my photography, and keeping this blog and other websites over the years. With all that behind me, I know I bring a lot of varied experience and insight to the table and can offer fresh content and perspectives to those who seek out my services.

Now I'm excited to finally showcase my first projects under ELM Creative, and have decided to create a separate site on which to do that. The goal in making a new site was to simply make it easier to navigate the information. I previously had everything written out on one page on my blog and it became a lot to scroll through. The new site has everything broken down by tabs and individual pages so the content is sorted and streamlined.

I'd love it if you checked out the new site, and recommended it to anyone you know who may be interested in or looking for freelance work. (You can also direct people to ELM Creative on Facebook and Twitter.) I appreciate all the support I've gotten over the years, for this and other projects I've undertaken. I couldn't do it without the encouraging words, shares, comments, and feedback. So thank you!

P.S. I had a conversation with my author friend, Ben, yesterday about whether the name ELM Creative is pronounced "elm" like the tree or "e-l-m" like my initials. I most often think of it as "elm" and so that's the pronunciation I'm going for, but it does stand for my initials. :)

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