
Friday, January 1, 2016

My Favorite Lettering Supplies

I'm excited to kick off a new year with some new things, both in my Etsy shop and here on my blog! I love creating and sharing art, and I want to bring more of that into this blog. To start, I'll be diving into lettering and typography art!

People often ask me about my typography: is it hard to learn, how do you do it, what supplies do you use? In upcoming posts, I'll dive more into sharing the ins and outs of creating different types of lettering art. To start, I'm sharing some of my current favorite lettering supplies--a list that is subject to change because it's always fun to try new things!

My Favorite Lettering Supplies

1. Nibs: I'm currently using these Speedball Hunt Bowl Pointed Pen No. 512 Nibs. I like the fine tip for making delicate lines and the bowl shape to hold more ink. These nibs work well in my next favorite supply...

2. Oblique Nib Holder: After I got this Speedball Oblique Pen Point Holder, I never went back to my standard nib holder. The oblique holder puts the point of the nib at a better angle for writing delicate calligraphy at a slant.

3. Inexpensive "Practice" Gouache: I love using gouache for calligraphy and painted lettering. Gouache is a form of opaque watercolor. When you're learning and practicing, you may go through a decent amount of gouache, so I recommend snagging some less expensive tubes, like this set of 12 paints Artist's Loft.

4. Designer Gouache: For special projects and fancy occasions, you may want to invest in a high quality gouache like Winsor and Newton Designers Gouache. A great color is Jet Black, though they have lots of options.

5. Paint Cups: Gouache does take some prep work to make it the proper consistency for use in a calligraphy pen. These Artist Loft Plastic Paint Cups work great for prepping, using, and storing gouache. [In a future post I'll go over the steps for prepping gouache.]

6. Slim Round Paint Brush: I've been doing more brush lettering and my favorite bush to use is a size 1 round, like this one from Michael's. The slim, long bristles are good for creating thin and thick lines, depending on the angle and pressure you put on them.

7. Watercolor Markers: I started learning how to do modern calligraphy styles with duel tip watercolor markers. They can help you learn about how to apply pressure to create the shapes and lines you want for your lettering. My favorite ones to use are Tombow Duel Brush Pens which come in a wide variety of colors and sets.

8. Pad of Paper: I like mix media paper for everyday use with gouache and markers, two non-dry art mediums. I like this pad by Canson because it's a great size--not too small, not too big to take on-the-go--plus the pages are perforated for easy removal. If you're looking for a higher quality paper for special projects, I recommend an archival quality Bristol paper, like the Strathmore 500 series.

Other tools I use frequently include a ruler, ball bearing compass, scrap paper, cup of water, paper towels, pencil, and large eraser.

I'll be sharing more posts on lettering soon! If you have questions or certain things you want me to cover, please let me know. I firmly believe anyone can learn how to do different lettering techniques with patience and practice, so if you want to learn, now is the time!

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