
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Unexpected Jesus

Where is the last place you'd expect to see Jesus?

In His day, Jesus was radical, unpredictable, unexpected. The long-expected King was not what the keepers of the law and teachers expected, at all. He was different, and they often failed to recognize Him. They had built up an expectation in their minds based on their years spent studying and upholding the Scriptures. They thought they knew Him.

But they were shocked by everything: where He came from, what He did, who He spent time with, how He died. To them, everything He did was wrong.

I wonder sometimes if we're foolish to think we'd be any different. We think we know the right answers, the hills to die upon, the lines in the sand. We think we know what Jesus would look like, where He would go, what He would do. But do we?

Where is the last place you'd expect to see Jesus? Sitting at the bar down the street? At the gay pride parade? In the back alley brothel? With refugees on the run? In the waiting room of the abortion clinic? At the women's march? Spending time in the Muslim community? At the college frat party?

Where is the last place you'd expect to see Jesus? Because, Christian, He is there. He is in that place, arms wide, calling any who would come. He is there whispering His name. He is there offering peace.

And I think He is calling us to do the same. Come down from those hills, cross that line. Open your arms wide. Whisper His name. Invite any who would come.

Where is the last place you'd expect to see Jesus? Maybe that is where He is calling you to go.

Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” (Mark 2:17)

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