Wednesday, August 29, 2012
31 Days Captured: Day 29
Wednesdays are about youth group. They revolve around a few short hours when some of the best kids I know get together on mismatched couches to reconnect, laugh, sing and read the Bible. It's a time to be goofy and love life, as well as a time to ask hard questions and realize there is still so much we don't know.
I've been helping out with this youth group for the past eight years. I've seen lots of kids come through the doors from freshman through senior year. I always think the next year will be hard when the seniors leave, but then I get to know a new bunch of amazing people.
The truth is, this youth group is such a blessing, just like the people in it. And at the end of the night, when my stomach hurts from laughing and I'm running on a sugar high, I know I'll keep coming back. When life is about something bigger than yourself, you suddenly find so much more meaning and purpose. When you can pour into someone else, you realize having life not be all about you is quite alright.
Photograph captured with Samsung Galaxy S, edits via PicMonkey.
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