
Thursday, August 30, 2012

31 Days Captured: Day 30

Tonight we got to meet the adorable Peanut, Karen's sweet little Teddy Bear puppy. She entertained us during our Dinners for Eight get-together. She and Nick got to be best buddies while we were there, and we decided that a play date with Jade is in order.

In other news, tomorrow is the LAST DAY of my photo-a-day challenge! How crazy is that?! I feel like I just started. It's funny to look at the challenge from both ends. In the beginning, it feels daunting. How in the world am I going to find something new to photograph every single day? And then when it's over you look back at every image you grabbed and think, I could just keep doing this!

Some days were definitely easier than others. On the difficult days, it gets to be 9 p.m. and I'm wondering what to shoot in the hour and a half I have left before I want to go to bed. When it gets dark and I still haven't taken a picture, I panic. On the easy days, I have a half-dozen photos I could use and each one is "challenge-worthy." I never like to admit which days are easy and which are hard, though sometimes I think it's blatantly obvious.

But that's not really the point of this whole thing. Easy or hard, the point is to capture a moment in the day, whether it seems significant or simple. Each day is photographic, it's just a matter of finding those moments that can be captured and not letting them get away.

As fun as this second challenge has been, and as much as I've enjoyed it, I have some new ideas for posts and topics in the coming months. (I'll give you three guesses on that.) :) Of course I plan to post plenty of photos, even though the challenge will be over, so please keep coming back. I hope to share more stories and moments with all of you!

Photograph captured with Samsung Galaxy S, edits via PicMonkey.

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